
Jiangsu Dingye Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

National Sales Hotline:

+86-515-87666666 , 87666388

President speech


  • Life is a navigatisn
  • Starting enteprise is a challenge
  • Seek for our idea
  • Loyal to our task
  • We are expecting
  • While “Dingye” developing
  • Cooperating with faithful friends
  • Open up a road to bright
  • While prospering the nationl industry
  • Creat a enteprrse brand
  • Grieve deep footprints of
  • Hard-working persons....
    Chairman and General Manager

News Center

Adhere to scientific management and establish the concept of quality management focusing on customers, so that our quality policy and quality objectives can be implemented and improved continuously and effectively.


Jiangsu Dingye Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Seeking for reality to build the Guanlong brand, adopting leading technology to lead the rapid development of Dingye.

Quality Inspection

Our company has strong technical strength, well-equipped personnel, complete utilities, such as water, electricity, steam and cold, and has complete testing means.


Quality InspectionQuality InspectionQuality InspectionQuality InspectionQuality InspectionQuality Inspection


All employees of Jiangsu Dingye Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. invite customers from home and abroad to come and guide us!

Add: No.8, Dinglan Road, Eco-Chemical Park, Funing Economic Development Zone, Jiangsu, China.
Zip code: 224403
Switchboard: +86-515-87666666
Tel: +86-515-87666666 , 87666388
Fax: +86-515-87666888 , 87666666
QQ: 877113
E-mail: sales@dingyechem.com
URL: http://www.cxsilicone.com

Mailbox login User name: @dingyepharm.com Password:

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