
Jiangsu Dingye Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

National Sales Hotline:

+86-515-87666666 , 87666388

Contact us

Seeking for reality to build the Guanlong brand, adopting leading technology to lead the rapid development of Dingye.

  • Jiangsu Dingye Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (Yancheng Dingye Chemical Co., Ltd.)
  • Add: No.8, Dinglan Road, Eco-Chemical Park, Funing Economic Development Zone, Jiangsu, China.
  • Zip code: 224403
  • Switchboard: +86-515-87666666
  • Tel: +86-515-87666666 , 87666388
  • Fax: +86-515-87666888 , 87666666
  • QQ: 877113
  • E-mail: sales@dingyechem.com
  • URL: http://www.cxsilicone.com

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